Energy flows
Energy glows
Energy is everything
And everything is energy
The stones
The trees
The earth
The bees
Both you and me
Are En-er-gy
What is energy?
Electric and magnetic… ElectroMagnetic?
Electric gives
Magnetic takes
The give and the take
The take and the give
This is current… also known as Currency
Currency is a flow
A flow of what?
…A flow of information
What is this information?
…Universal messages
Messages in the form of COLOUR
COLOUR is coded with life giving messages
Feeding every part of the hue-man essence
Allowing us either to ascend or descend
To rise or fall
The flow of information is the giving and the taking
The taking and the giving
Down to the tiniest part of us…our cells our atoms our elements
Our cells sparkle at each other
Then what is this sparkle?
It is the beautiful sparkle of light and colour
It is the language of the cells
…Cellular communication
Each colour has a function
Each colour a purpose
Each colour a message
A message that has to be given and taken by all
What does this create?…
A flow of information
A current…, Currency…,
Electromagnetic energy
From cell to cell
From organ to organ
From Chakra to Chakra
From Chakra to Aura
From Aura to Chakra
What is the Aura and what is the Chakra?
Perhaps a discussion for another time within
But for me, they are the seat of communication
Between our physical body and the universe
Between the universe and our creator
We give and we take
We take and we give
Please see the message I give
We give and take in all things
Both in the physical and the spiritual
The flow of this energy will never stop
Can never stop
Is infinite
Is coded
Carries information
Is part of you
Is part of me
Understand there are mysteries hidden within each colour…
The colours that flows within us and around us
Let us build on our wisdom
Let us form a relationship with our colours
If you give without taking
Or take without giving
You stop the flow
You cause a block
You stop your GLOW (you do not glow)
#Energy #'Colour #Stars #Aura #Chakra #Electromagnetic