What if balance was there at the very beginning?
Consisting of the good and the bad working in balance
What if somehow the good and the bad got separated?
Creating this apparent division
Becoming more and more exaggerated as they departed from each other
The cause of our current conflicts
What if good and bad was created after this separation?
And what lay there previously was a harmonious partnership…
Two opposing skill bases supporting each other for the love of life and nature
What if love lies at the center of all things?
The core of balance
Then I ask?
Love may be easy for The Good
But, is it easy for The Bad?
Then I reason… what if bad was never BAD
But an opposing energy playing its role on the scales of life to bring balance
Then I ask, how can balance be reborn?
…Well, what if the center of both polarities is LOVE
LOVE of life and LOVE of nature
What if LOVE sits right in the center?
Then I ask, why is life and nature separated?
Is not life, nature and nature, life?
A discussion perhaps for another time within
Again what if the center of both polarities is LOVE…
LOVE both for nature and for life
What if working together with both attributes brings that balance?
Two specialties working together for the purpose of sustaining life and nature
One who sends out and feeds the life energy
The other Works to make it be
Then I asked what happened to that which makes it be?
It seems to be following a course not true to the script
Do I sense a form of deceit?
A discussion perhaps for another time within
Where then does my energy lie in support of the true script?
I choose to support this process
I choose love
I choose nature
I choose life
What do you choose?