The real truth is love is already here. It exits in everyone. It speaks out “I am a happy person, here to live out my life with blissful fulfilment... When I enter into my kingdom I am a happy person. My kingdom is your kingdom too. We share our love by means of knowledge. Deep respect to all who do the work of divine calling, as to seek its beauty is to seek the beauty that is in you. The seeking of this beauty is called SELF LOVE”.
So let us explore this more. The word self is also an anagram which says Seek Eternal Life First (SELF). The reason for our existence is to seek self first. It has to be this way in order to fulfil our purpose and in doing so we share our love with others who treasure all the aspects of life that is there to receive. We are one with all.
The second anagram is love which says, Light Over Variable Elementals (LOVE). The light is the love which is in all things. Elementals simply means light carriers or bearers, which is you and me. We are all of the light and we all work on light. So if this is the case why do we need the light over us? The reason for this is, some of us are not required to make that choice to be the light that we are and in not choosing this we fall short of being the light bearer which is our true essence. Without light we exist only to be dark in nature and not able to function in the world and this world is already a dark place with the illusions of life given to us. So what do we do? We seek love AND light. Love and light together is the aim, we know we are already light and light is love, so to be choosing love we ignite our light to be great divine beings on earth.
The reason for this post is to say to all that read it, go within and seek your true essence which is light and with that choose to love and be love as this is what you are here to be. So Love is, Light Over Variable Elementals, because we must love ourselves and be in a place to accept light to reign over us. Light is us and not any thing else. Elementals are us and we are light bearers here to live out an existence in alignment with divine power. In this knowing you accomplish all you were here to be and you live out a wonderful and fulfilling existence, above all the money and material illusions of the world.
Love is light and light is love and the two seek a harmonious life on earth.
Love is all you need.
Love and Light
to you all