The heart is not a place that regulates or pumps blood around the body as we have been sold. The heart says ‘I love’. The heart says I love me and I am here to be better everyday. So why is this? It is because to love is the wholeness of your presence here on earth.
Therefore, seek your heart and know that it is the seat of all your thoughts, feelings and emotions. So why does the heart harbour these things? The answer is this, it says I am love and if you do not channel this inside it goes and leaves room for other things to reside there. These other things are not the way of the heart, as love is the only way. If these other things sit there for too long you build up a state of imbalance. This then manifests to a state of illness inside. The cause of all illness is a matter of your love inside, because to not love with all your heart and soul you do not live. To not live simply means you just exist and not live. So the message to you is this, live as to live is why you are here.
The truth of the matter is the heart pumps and regulates love inside you. The vessels carry it to all your organs and feeds it with that love and brings them life. How does it do this? It does this by a power called energetic transfer, but this requires movement and strength. By going to a gym or working out regularly you charge this as it allows the waters within to flow more efficiently but it is not only this that helps, as to seek love you centre it in your heart and it is then carried out to all the systems that keep you alive, as life is what you are and should seek.
So it is important to move but most important to love, as the flow of energy charged by the strength from movement and the love in your heart make a body so powerful you become a divine being here on earth conquering all that comes your way and it allows you to be better every day, as to become a better version of yourself is a life long process. It is like saying you are work in progress every day. So choose to love, choose to build your physical strength and work with both to empower you to excel in all you do.
So in conclusion love and strength in body is the key to supercharge your existence here on earth. Be a light and be lit, then send it outwards by your deeds, as you are what you do and you do what you are, then know that this light is love.
Sending peace, love and light to you all