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Coletta - Victorious One

Questions and answers

It’s just colour, how can it help?

Colour is all around you. Everything you see is colour. This is not a co-incidence but something we may have taken for granted in terms of the impact colour has on our lives. Ask yourself the questions; (i) Do I have a favourite colour? (ii) Why do I like this colour or why am I drawn to this colour? (iii) How does the colour I have chosen make me feel? I challenge you to ask yourselves these questions, write down the answers and focus on the energy this colour has provided in your answers.

If you do not have a favourite colour then it is important to note that everything is energy, energy controls life, we are energy beings. We eat food to give us energy, calories are energy. Colour is energy, it provides energy in the form of a vibration that you feel both consciously and subconsciously.

In the very beginning it was written ‘let there be light’. White light contains all the seven colours of the spectrum this can be seen when white light is split by a crystal or prism. When the seven spectrum colours are all mixed together it turns back to white. The sun is a natural source of this light. Black holds all colours and is the source of all energy. If colour was there at the very beginning consider the impact it has on everything, including you. Colour works at the subconscious level, affecting how you feel and the choices you make. It is considered to be the first form of healing. Just as we need a balance of energy from food we also need a balance of energy from the seven spectrum of colours. In fact we actually eat colour, hence the term eat a rainbow of colours. Have you ever wondered why this is?

What is the science behind colour?

Without light nothing grows, plants, animals and humans alike need light or all would just simply disappear. Consider how vegetation grows, even those that grow under the earth sprout up through the earth to catch the light emitted from the sun to flourish.

In biophysics it has been proven that the cells in all living things radiate light. This process is termed as biophoton. Bio means life and photon means a particle of light, it has been concluded that cell to cell communication involves the transferring of light and this light carries coded cellular information via colour.

Each colour carries its own code or characteristic. Light is the language of the cells. If we are made up of cells and light is the language the cells speak then light has a major impact on our wellbeing. Colour is contained in the white light which emanates to the earth by the sun. This white light comes in the form of electro-magnetic vibrations, some colours are electric by nature and some magnetic by nature. Colour moves and vibrates at different wavelengths. Some colour wavelengths are short like the blues and violets some are long like the reds and oranges. Then each wavelength has a different frequency, the blues and violets have a faster frequency and the reds and oranges a slower frequency. Our eyes can see only seven colours, these seven colours are the rainbow colours; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. There are also colours we cannot see, however, in colour therapy the focus is on the colours we can see. Two examples of the colours we cannot see are infra-red or ultra violet.

Each of the seven visible colours has its own special characteristics which affect us emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. When the white light formed by the universe flows through us with a balanced spectrum of colours we are at optimal health. When there are blockages to this flow of white light this leads to dis-ease in the body.

Where did colour therapy originate?

Healing with the use of colour has been used from before records began. In the very beginning it is stated that light was produced from the darkness. Light being the catalyst for creation through its containment of colour.

The earliest civilisations who used colour for healing went as far back as the Lumerians, Atlantians then ancient Kemet (modern day Egypt). The Atlantians were said to use a system of colour and crystals for healing. Ancient Kemet were known to use glass halls where sunlight would enter, hitting a crystal which would then refract coloured light into the hall, each hall was fine tuned to a specific colour frequency to heal specific ailments.

In ancient cultures colour has had several uses in such areas as religion, ceremonial uses and healing. In earlier times cultures lived more in harmony with nature by embracing the outdoors and its healing natural colours, it is considered that disease increased when man transitioned to spending more time indoors away from nature and natural sunlight.

During the 1800 and 1900’s several teachers, philosophers and scientists revived the use of colour for healing and wrote books to support colour's healing properties such at Johann Wolfgang von Geothe, Dr Edwin Babbitt and Dr Ghandiali. Dr Edwin Babbit worked with solarised water, a crystal glass chamber called the chromolume, and a coloured torch called the chromo-disc to successfully heal several ailments. Dr Ghandiali’s aim was to support colour healing as a way to restore the colour energy balance within the body.

What is the benefit of colour therapy?

Colour therapy, also known as chromotherapy uses colour energy to bring energy balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit. It offers a holistic approach to healing. You do not have to be ill to benefit from colour therapy as it also supports wellbeing. Colour therapy is a complementary therapy which works well alongside other methods of treatment. It can also be used to speed up recovery after illness or after an operation.

The treatments available with colour therapy are many, a few examples are:

· Colour visualisation

· Colour breathing/meditation

· Colour related diet

· Solarised water therapies

· Chromotherapy (light therapy)

· Silk scarf treatment

· Art & music therapy

· Colour acupuncture/colour reflexology

· Flower remedies/essential oils

The above treatments are used to treat many ailments, a few common ailments are:

· Asthma

· Arthritis

· Blood and circulation problems

· Depression

· Digestive ailments

· Eating disorders

· Fevers

· Nervous and Mental disorders

· Obesity

· Pain relief

· Skin diseases


· Colour exists at creation, first darkness which produced the light containing colour

· Cells communicate by the language of light

· Colour is energy; we are energy; illness is energy imbalance; colour re-energises

· Colour is an early form of healing, practiced by many ancient civilizations

· Colour therapy is a complementary therapy treating the mind, body and spirit

· Colour treatments include; visualisation, breathing, diet, light therapy, music, art

· Colour can treat many common ailments including; obesity, digestion, pain, circulation

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